Monday, April 18, 2016

Week 3 EOC: Making Money For Good

Toyota TogetherGreen Initiative

Toyota has partnered up with conservation-based company Audubon in developing local community projects that aim to benefit the local environment. Within the TogetherGreen Initiative are three major components that drive the initiative to local communities around the country:


“A Conservation Fellowship program to recognize and nurture diverse individuals who will become environmental leaders who can serve as role models in the community”



“Innovation Grants to support creative projects that contribute to significant gains in habitat, water and energy conservation and engage diverse communities.”



“Volunteer projects at sites across the country to create a call to action for real conservation impact in diverse communities.”


Environmental issues are a hot topic amongst social causes, so I thought it was great that a major player in the automotive industry such as Toyota has taken the initiative to address an issue that plagues their industry. They’ve taken strides these past couple of years to create environment-conscious vehicles, so this initiative is the next step that ensures that local communities become more aware of environmental issues and that steps have been taken to confront these issues.

I was particularly impressed with their GoGreen and GrowGreen programs because it allowed people of all ages to come together and mutually invest their time in environmental causes. The only prerequisites needed were that volunteers much show an appreciation for environmental causes and a commitment to engaging conservative action. For the even more serious conservationists, the fellowship program offered by Toyota and Audubon nurtured diverse leaders and served communities on an even grander scale.  Projects included the creation of an urban forestry program in Florida as well as the installation of solar panels for urban students.. No matter what age you are and no matter what kind of education  you received, Toyota and Audubon have made it possible for you to turn your passion of addressing environmental issues into a reality.

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